Forge Ahead in Your Career by Developing the Skills to Assist in Business Expansion or Establishment
This is a great foundation course to develop skills and knowledge in various aspects of business operation and planning and become a valuable resource in the event of new business development or business expansion.

The business world is like a complicated machine where there are lots of different parts, all interacting with each other and all dependent upon those parts they are interconnected to. To be successful in business requires an ability to see the broad picture as well as a more precise view, and to foresee the implications of developments in the broader marketplace. The efficient running of resources within a business can dramatically improve the profit margins of a business, no matter what the desired business outcome is - goods or services. A good operations manager will see the business in broad terms also: Changes in political leadership in one part of the world can eventually have repercussions on the other side of the globe. A downturn in the economy in one place, can eventually affect the marketplace somewhere else. Everything is interconnected in the business world, and the first step towards success is to begin to develop an awareness of the broader marketplace and an ability to foresee changes in your business before they occur.
Businesses are setup by individuals or other businesses for generating a return on equity (ROE). Normally, ROE is generated by running business operations which utilize economic resources like land, labour, money and time and generate a return in terms of profit or other economic value addition. Before starting a business it is essential that you review and read the laws that govern business in your area to make sure that you don’t waste resources if the business will not be able to legally run.
Note: this course does overlap with Business Studies and Starting a Small Business, so you should choose to do one or another, not all of these. Enrol today, and study from home, so you can earn while you learn.