Become an Expert with Eucalypts

How to grow, propagate and use Eucalypts
This course could start your career in a nursery, a re-vegetation project, in agro-forestry
in rehabilitation projects etc. 

An introduction to the genus Eucalyptus, covering identification, culture (propagation, soils, landscape uses, feeding), and uses. Throughout the course you build both a knowledge of the group as a whole, and of the range of species you can identify.

Some people devote their entire career to Eucalypts.

Some become nurserymen or foresters. Some collect seed, work in research, or breed and sell the rights to new varieties. Eucalypts are a very important and diverse group of plants; with a very important place in many industries -from timber production to landscaping, oil production and land rehabilitation.

If you are passionate about working with Eucalypts, this course could be ideal.


The content of each of eight lessons is as outlined below:

1. Introduction. Review of the system of plant identification, general characteristics of the group, information contacts (ie: nurseries, seed, clubs etc.)

2. Culture. Planting, staking, mulching, watering, pest & disease, feeding, pruning, protection from wind, salt air, etc.

3. Propagation. Methods of propagating this group of plants.

4. The most commonly grown varieties.

5. Other important groups.

6. Lesser grown varieties.

7. Making the best use of Eucalypts

8. Special Assignment. On one selected plant or group.

Duration: 100 hours


  • Describe the classification of Eucalypts.
  • Discuss general cultural requirements for growing Eucalypts.
  • Propagate Eucalypts.
  • Differentiate between identifiable characteristics and cultural requirements in a number of commonly cultivated Eucalypts.
  • Discuss characteristics of a wider range of Eucalypt species.
  • Describe commercial uses for a range of different Eucalyptus species.
  • Plan the establishment of a collection of different cultivars of Eucalypts (eg. Gums, Mallees, Tall Trees, Short Trees, Dryland Species), suited to growing in a specified locality.


Eucalypts are today widely grown throughout the world, despite the fact that they are predominantly an Australian native plant (Note: There are only a small number of species which occur naturally outside of Australia). In many countries Eucalypts are used extensively as a forest tree, for land rehabilitation or even as an ornamental plant. There are more than eight hundred different species of Eucalypts, varying from relatively low shrubby plants to massive tall trees. There are varieties which will suite most temperate or tropical climates, and ones which will adapt to most types of soil conditions.

The genus Eucalyptus is divided into 8 sections as follows:

(Sections can be distinguished by structure of the anthers (ie. male parts of the flower which produce the pollen ‑ you need a magnifying glass or microscope to distinguish apart).



Anthers are versatile, normally large.   Includes E.erythrocorys, E.tetraptera, E.calophylla, E.diversifolia, E.platypus.



Anthers versatile, broad parallel, sublique cells, large gland at tip or sub tip.   Includes E.pyriformis.



Anthers subversatile.   Includes E.radiata, E.marginata



Anthers adnate, globular, subcuenate to reniform   OR   Anthers nearly all perfect.    Includes E.microcarpa, E.albens, E.bicolor.



Many of the filaments without anthers, anthers adnate, erect or oblique on filament, cells normally distinct opening in ovate slits or circular pores at the tip.    Includes E.sideroxylon, E.leucoxylon.



Outer filaments infertile and much longer than inner fertile filaments.    Includes E.fracilis, E.calcycogna.



Anthers open in front (not on top) in broad oval pores. Filaments normally fertile.     Includes E.micranthera, E.cneorifolia.



Anthers open in front or along sides with long slits or pores.     Includes E.gilli, E.macrocarpa, E.salmonophloia.


The above subdivision of eucalyptus is scientific, and as such very precise.

Other methods (less precise) also exist for classifying Eucalypts into different groups. Perhaps the most common one based on the appearance of the bark or trunk, which splits Eucalypts into the following groups.

  1. The Gums
  2. The Boxes
  3. Peppermints
  4. Stringybarks
  5. Messmates
  6. Ironbarks etc.