Leisure Management Course

  • Learn to manage finance in the leaisure industry
  • Learn about clerical management in the leisure industry
  • Start any time, study at your own pace, study wherever you want.

Develop management strategies for clerical and financial operations in a recreation or fitness environment. Keeping accurate and efficient financial records is paramount for successful business. During this course you will learn to develop strategies for manageing clerical and financial aspects for a recreation facility or service.  The course covers financial records, budgets, legal reporting, liasing, managing documents, forming a resource library, and using informaiton technology.

Learn to Manage the Business of Leisure

Develop management strategies for clerical and financial operations in a recreation or fitness environment.


There are eight lessons as follows:

  1. Financial Analysis
  2. Budget Control
  3. Legal Requirements
  4. Funding Opportunities
  5. Workplace Communications
  6. Managing Documents
  7. Managing a Resource Library
  8. Managing Information Technology


  • To analyse financial records.
  • Control a budget for a recreation service or production of a recreation product
  • Meet legal reporting requirements in relation to financial management.
  • Develop funding opportunities for recreation organisations
  • Liaise with senior management, in a recreation industry workplace
  • Manage documents in a recreation industry workplace
  • Establish a library resource collection for a recreation workplace
  • Manage information technology requirements in a recreation workplace.


Scope of Financial Management in Leisure Industries

Leisure (or recreation) is a broad concept, open to a variety of different interpretations; and the scope of the recreation industry will depend upon the definition you choose to adopt.

The provision of any products or services that are used in leisure pursuits can be considered part of the leisure industry. This can include:

  • government services and facilities (eg. Leisure centres, public swimming pools, play programs, facilities for sports or hobbies, etc)
  • non profit organisations (eg. Sporting clubs, social clubs, hobbies)
  • commercial enterprises (eg. Fitness centres, health clubs, manufacturers and suppliers of hobby and sporting supplies and equipment, theme parks, etc)
  • sometimes tourism and health industries overlap on the leisure industry. Boundaries are not clearly defined (eg. A scuba dive centre might be considered part of the leisure industry or the tourism industry; or perhaps both).


In developed countries, leisure can be a huge and significant industry, contributing as much if not more than any other industry to a nation’s economy.


As with any large industry, proper management of income and expenditure is essential to sustaining the industry and optimising the quantity and quality of service it can deliver to the public.



Financial activity including income and expenditure is normally kept in electronic records. There are many different ways of doing this including standard off the shelf software (eg. MYOB and Quick books are two of the most common), industry specific software and tailor made software developed as a one off by programmers for a particular enterprise.

The off the shelf software will be perfectly adequate in most situations; and does have some major cost advantages (because it is used widely the purchase cost is lower; it is easier to find people who know how to use it and how to troubleshoot problems); but for very large and well funded enterprises, industry specific software can be more appropriate to different or unique requirements of a large enough organisation.


Financial records are needed because:

  • They help you manage finances (eg: you can make decisions about what something is likely to cost in the future by seeing what it cost in the past).
  • They allow you to see whether an enterprise is making a profit or loss.
  • They give you a basis upon which you can calculate what you will charge your customers.
  • They allow you to prepare and submit tax returns.
  • They are legally required by law (eg. Taxation compliance).

Financial Records provide facts which are used to Analyse the Financial status of an enterprise or project.