An advanced course on human physiology that will develop further your understanding of the principles of physiology, examining functions of the cells, tissues and systems of the human body. The course details how our bodies maintain internal equilibrium and health while exposed to the most variable range of conditions, such as physical, psychological and environmental factors.
A course designed for health therapists and all those working in health care that want or need to develop a deeper understanding of the human body processes and health maintenance.

Prerequisite: Human Anatomy & Physiology BSC101 or equivalent.

Home Studies Course in Advanced Physiology

A course designed for health therapists and all those working in health care that want or need to develop a deeper understanding of the human body processes and health maintenance. This course builds on the basics (in Human Biology IA)


There are 9 lessons in this module as follows:

  1. Cell Physiology
  2. Histophysiology
  3. Systems Physiology
  4. Neurophysiology
  5. Endocrinology
  6. Cardiovascular Physiology
  7. Immunology
  8. Respiratory Physiology
  9. Renal Physiology


Cell Physiology - Study of the functions of cells

  • Chemical reactions
  • Homeostasis, feedback systems, homeostatic imbalances
  • Cellular Metabolism
  • Membrane Transport

Histophysiology - Study of the functions of tissues

  • Muscle filaments and fibres
  • Bone Ossification and Growth
  • Varieties of Dense Connective Tissue
  • Functions of Epithilial Tissue

Systems Physiology - Study of the significant systems and functions of organs

  • Autonomic Nervous System
  • Dual Innervation and neurotransmitters
  • Actions of the Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous System
  • Peripheral Nervous System
  • General senses and their integrative function
  • Study of the sensory modalities - smell, taste, vision, hearing and equilibrium

Neurophysiology - Study of the functional characteristics of nerve cells

  • Structure of the Nervous System
  • Myelination
  • Resting membrane potentions, ion channels, repolarization
  • Classification of different neurons
  • Grey/White matter
  • Reflexes, relex arcs and homeostasis
  • Action potentials and synapses
  • Functions of the cerebral cortex

Endocrinology - Study of hormones and how they control body functions

  • Principle functions of the endocrine system
  • Physiology of hormones
  • Actions of the Anterior and Posterior Pituitary Glands
  • Hormone receptors
  • Mechanisms of homeostatic action

Cardiovascular Physiology - Study of the heart and blood vessels

  • The Cardiac Cycle
  • Heart-Muscle cell contraction
  • Hemodynamics of blood - volume, BP, capillary exchange
  • The Arterial-Alveolar Gradient
  • Cardiac Output
  • Oxygen Transport

Immunology - Study of the body defence mechanisms

  • Non specific cellular and Chemical Defenses
  • Functions of White Blood Cells
  • The Inflammatory Response
  • The Physiology of Fever
  • Specific Defense Mechanisms
  • Immunity and Antibodise

Respiratory Physiology - Study the functions of the air passageways and lungs

  • Pulmonary Ventilation - pulmonary capacity
  • Gas Exchange
  • Lung Volumes and Capacity
  • The Respiratory Epithelium

Renal Physiology - Study of the function of the kidneys

  • Structure and Functions of the kidneys
  • Nephrons
  • Glomerular Filtration
  • Renal control of Electrolytes and Acid Base Balance
  • Active and Passive Tubular Reabsorption
  • Tubular Secretion
  • The process of Micturition