How to Learn

Q. How do you learn by Distance Education

A. The same way you learn any other way.

You learn by seeing something, understanding it, having a reason to remember it and never forgetting it.

There are many things that affect how well you learn:

-whether your understanding is thorough or scant
-whether you have a strong reason to remember it; and see the full potential for applying your learning
-whether the learning is temporary or permanent

The effectiveness of learning depends on how well it is explained - some courses explain the same concept different ways, so you see different perspectives and have a greater depth of understanding

The path you take in being exposed to things affects whether it stays in your memory or not -if you take a convoluted path, frought with challenges that you confront and overcome; the learning is far more likely to stay with you than if your path is simple and easy, with little challenge. You will for example, be more likely to remember an exhausting run up a steep hill that you have never before climbed; than a leisurely and comfortable walk along a flat pathway through familiar territory.

Repetition reinforces learning; so often what you might think is an unnecessary repetition of something you already know; might be a critical part of ensuring that you never forget what you are studying

When you can see how something might be relevant to you; it is far more likely to be remembered. By applying the same knowledge to solve different problems (hypothetical or real), your perspective will broaden; and the relevance of what is learnt will expand to embrace more situations -strengthening the learning.

Dialogue with tutors or any other people will repeat your consideration of what you learn, and broaden your perspective on the subject; again strengthening your learning.

Good learning is very different to being assessed and gaining qualifications.

All of these and other considerations require time for learning to be effective. If learning is effective and penetrates a student's sub conscious properly; it will change the way they perceive the world; and that in turn changes their capacity to solve problems, interact with peers, and continue learning within the discipline they studied, long after they complete their studies.

Fast Tracked education can never provide the substantial and permanent benefits of properly constructed, solid learning programs led by tutors who understand the psychology of how people learn, know their discipline well, and have the tools to communicate information, ideas and techniques in a way that can be understood clearly by receptive students

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