Organic Crop Production

Organically grown food is growing in demand - there are opportunities in this expanding industry but there is more to organic crop production than not using chemicals; organic farming is not a 'lazy farmers' technique. A lot of work is involved in utilising integrated pest management and hygiene above and beyond most normal farm enterprises. Once an organic production management system is in place, however, and operating, it tends to stabilise over a period of time, and becomes easier to manage.

Organic production is a viable economic and expanding industry - with benefits to the farm soil, to the environment, and to the purchasers of the products.

An organic approach can contribute toward making a farm more financially viable in several ways:

  1. First, it is a low input way of farming. You do not need to invest so much money in expensive chemicals and fertilisers. Any declines in initial production are balanced against these reduced costs.
  2. Second, it is less likely to result in land degradation than many other production methods; hence the long term cost of sustaining production is less.
  3. Thirdly, public demand for organic produce has markedly increased over recent years.


To be recognised as being an organic producer you need to abide by guidelines that are set by various bodies in each country (eg Biological Farmers Federation of Australia). Guidelines exist for vegetables, fruit, meat, etc. For contact details look in the directory at the rear of this book.


One of the problems with marketing organic produce, particularly fruit and vegetables, is that most people believe that slightly blemished looking produce indicates that it is of poorer quality. However, as organic produce has become more readily available, and more widely marketed, the public are becoming more aware that such superficial blemishes do not indicate poor quality, but in many cases may indicate better flavour.


Consumers will often pay a higher price for organic produce, than non-organic produce. Consequently profits can be improved. However, it should be noted that without good cultural knowledge of the crops/animals a farmer is producing, serious losses can occur.


Organic farming is not a 'lazy farmers' technique. A lot of work is involved in utilising integrated pest management and hygiene above and beyond most normal farm enterprises. Once an organic production management system is in place, however, and operating, it tends to stabilise over a period of time, and becomes easier to manage.


Some of the most important features of organic production, as recognised by the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), include:

  • Promoting existing biological cycles, from micro-organisms in the soil to the plants and animals living on the soil.
  • Maintaining the environmental resources locally, using them carefully and efficiently and re-using materials as much as possible.
  • Not relying heavily on external resources on a continuous basis.
  • Minimising any pollution both on-site and leaving the site.
  • Maintaining the genetic diversity of the area.

Practices which are typical for organic systems are composting, inter-cropping, crop rotation and mechanical or heat-based weed control. Pests and diseases are tackled with naturally-produced sprays and biological controls (eg. predatory mites). Organic farmers generally avoid the use of inorganic fertilisers and synthetic chemical herbicides, growth hormones and synthetic pesticides.


For more information on Organic Farming, see "Sustainable Agriculture"; a book written by John Mason (available at

Relevant courses are available including Organic Farming, Organic Vegetable Production and Sustainable Agriculture   see

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