Learn ASP.NET Online, Any Time, Anywhere....


Learn how to produce Stunning, Dynamic Websites using Microsoft ASP.NET programming technology.

During the completion of this course you will have learnt and put into practice developing a completed online store web application using multiple technologies including ASP.NET, HTML, CSS, SQL and VB., NET.


Learn to Develop, Create and Program Websites

Using Microsoft ASP.NET


10 lessons filled with easy to understand instructions
Screenshots of working examples
100 hours total study with up to 12 months to complete
No classes, submission dates or schedules!


This course focuses on website creation and development in ASP (Active Server Pages), VB.NET (Visual Basic) Programming Language, along with SQL (Structured Query Language) these are combined in the one course to develop outstanding websites that are data driven and dynamic.


Study online at your own pace


Using our modern online portal for study is a simple and effective way of learning.

Once enrolled, you will receive your online account to our system that will give you all the lessons assignments and self-assessment tests so you can start studying straight away.


Why should I study this Course?

Learn what industry professionals use for developing websites and many other windows applications and technologies.

This ASP.NET course will teach you the basics through to advanced concepts of coding, using practical learning, logical training and course material developed by industry professionals.

These same professionals are there through the course to provide help and assistance when you need it!



There are 11 lessons as follows:

1. Introduction
2. VB.NET Essentials
3. Web Forms
4. Web Server Controls
5. Form Validation
6. Classes and Namespaces
7. Creating ASP.NET Applications
9. Error Handling
10. Email from your Applications
11. Project: Creating an Online Store

Each lesson culminates in an assignment which is submitted to the school, marked by the school's tutors and returned to you with any relevant suggestions, comments, and if necessary, extra reading.


What Then is in Each Lesson?

1. Introduction -What is ASP.Net, Enhanced Performance, World-Class Tool Support, Power and Flexibility, Simplicity, Manageability, Scalability and Availability, Customizability and Extensibility, Security, Required Software, Visual Web Developer Express Edition, Visual Studio.NET 2005, Internet Information Services (IIS), A Simple Asp.Net Page, Programming Exercise -Running the Example in Visual Web Developer.

2. VB.NET Essentials -What Are Variables?, Arrays, Kinds of Variables (Data types), Integer variables, Long integer variables, Single precision floating point variables, Double precision floating point variables, Assigning Variable Values, Operator Precedence
Strings, Hard Coding Variables, Program Flow and Branching (conditional branching,
unconditional branching), If Statements, If...Else Statements, Select Statements, Looping, For Loop, While Loops, Other Types of Loops, Looping Summary, Hungarian Notation, Functions
Subroutines, Programming Exercise -Using Variables

3. Web Forms -Using CSS and Master Pages, Master Pages, Content Page vs. Master Page, Creating a Master Page, Default Master Content, Web Forms, A Basic Introduction to HTTP

4. Web Server Controls - Server Controls, HTML Controls, ASP.NET Controls, Validation Controls, Programming Exercise -Creating a Form to Capture User Details; Raising and Handling Events, Postback Architecture

5. Form Validation -Required Field Validator, Compare Validator, Regular Expression Validator, Range Validator, Custom Validator

6. Classes and Namespaces - OOP Concepts, Fields, Properties, Methods, and Events
Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Polymorphism; Overloading, Overriding, and Shadowing; Access Levels, Constructors and Destructors, Namespaces

7. ASP.NET Applications -Page Lyfescycle, Events in the Life Cycle of Page, Page Methods, Site Model

8. Interacting with Databases -Database basics, Creating a Database, Connecting to a Database, Coding Connections, Reading from a Database, Executing the Query, Stepping through the SQL Result, Writing to a Database, Adding New Records, Updating Records
Closing the Connection, Data Binding

9. Error Handling -Introduction, Exceptions, Trapping Errors, Try … Catch, Logging Exceptions, Using Web.config file

10. Email from Your Applications -,mail Namespace, SMTP, Sending a Simple Email, Using the Mailmessage Class

11. Project: Creating an Online Store -Systems Development Lifecycle, System Request, Analysis and Design, Programming, Testing and Acceptance, Installation/ Implementation, Maintenance, Using Interface Design (UID), Project

Duration: 100 hours



On successful completion of the course you should be able to do the following:

  • Describe the .NET framework and the advantages of ASP.NET over other web based languages.
  • Discuss the basics of Visual Basic .NET (VB.NET).
  • Explain how web forms work including how and when to use them.
  • Explain web server controls and how to use them to enhance web applications.
  • Explain how to use web forms validation to control what information is accepted by a web form.
  • Explain classes and namespaces in ASP.NET.
  • Explain what web applications are and how to create them.
  • Explain the basics of databases and data access technologies used in ASP.NET.
  • Explain how to handle errors in your website application and how to "debug" to prevent errors.
  • Explain how to send email from your web application.
  • Develop a completed online store web application.



Here are just some of the things you may be doing:

  • Define "code behind"
  • Learn what ASP.NET is.
  • Define many different types of variables.
  • Define what a subroutine is.
  • Define what a function is
  • Work with webforms and note advantages over traditional html forms.
  • Explain how & when Web Controls are used.
  • Explain the difference between ASP server side controls and standard html controls.
  • Create a web form that asks for a person's details.
  • Select two validation controls and explain their benefits.
  • Create code for a page that asks for a file name and then creates that file on the local hard drive.
  • Define what a "namespace" is and give examples of two namespaces.
  • What is the web.config file and what is it used for?
  • Explain the difference between application & session events.
  • Create a small ASP.NET application that uses a database, admin section and front page.
  • Explain the difference between page level tracing and application level tracing.
  • Create an Email contact page.
  • Create an Online Shopping application.




Program flow is the order in which a program executes its code. Almost all program code executes sequentially. Usually a program reaches a point where a decision needs to be made about a particular piece of data. The program must then analyse the data, decide what to do with it and then jump to the appropriate section of code.

When a program breaks the sequential flow and jumps to a new section of code, it is called branching. When branching is based on a decision, it is called conditional branching. On the other hand, unconditional branching occurs if no decision-making is involved when the program encounters a branching instruction. Conditional branching is most commonly used.

If Statements

The If statement is the simplest form a conditional selection. In an If statement, a test (usually of some data or condition) is evaluated, and depending on the result of the test, the program will execute one of a choice of blocks of code.

The following example demonstrates a simple If statement, where a section of code is only executed if the condition evaluates to true:


Dim exam As String


If exam = "passed" Then


End If

In this example, the value of the variable exam is compared to the string ”passed”, i.e. the program evaluates whether the string contained in the variable called exam is equal to the string ”passed”. If that condition is true the program will execute the instructions within the If statement. There may be a single statement to be executed, or it could be several commands. A simple If statement is comprised of the keyword If, followed by a conditional test of some sort, the word Then, one or more lines of code to be executed if the test is true, and finally the words End If to finish the If statement.

If...Else Statements

The If statement only offers a single choice, to either execute or not execute the statements contained within the If block. The If...Else statement offers two choices based on the test condition, for example:

Dim age As Integer

If age > 17 Then





End If

In this example, if the value of age is greater than 17, the first set of commands is executed. Otherwise, if the value of age is less than 17 the second set of commands is executed. Which block of code to be executed is determined by the value of age.


Select Statements

For situations where three or more If choices are required, a better way of handling this is often the Select statement. In a Select statement, the test case is identified then all possible options are listed. The test case must be a variable than can be compared against numerical or string values; it cannot be a logical test which uses any of the logical operators. The computer program will execute the statements that follow the appropriate test case option.

For example, suppose you wish to choose between the four suits in a deck of playing cards:


Dim suitNumber As Integer

Dim cards As String


Select Case suitNumber

Case 1

cards = "spades"

Case 2

cards = "club"

Case 3

cards = "diamonds"

Case 4

cards = "heart"

Case Else

cards = "invalid suit"

End Select

On the first line, the keyword Select identifies this as a Select statement; the keyword Case identifies the evaluation case with the variable to be evaluated last. An Else option is included, which is for all cases that don't fit the identified options. The Select statement ends with the keywords End Select.



Every computer programming language has some form of looping command to instruct a computer to perform repetitive tasks. Visual Basic.NET features three types of looping: For, While, and Do loops.


For Loop

The For loop instructs a program to perform a block of code a set number of times. It is used when you know exactly how many times a block should be executed.

Dim myArray(9) As Integer

Dim index As Integer


For index = 0 To 9

myArray(index) = myArray(index) + 5


This example adds 5 to the value of each element of the array. The For statement instructs the computer to set the value of index to 0. On each iteration of the loop, it adds 1 until the value of index is 9, which would be the last iteration of the loop. The For loop statement ends with the keyword Next.


While Loops

When the number of times a loop should be executed is dependent on a condition (something you don’t know at the time of writing your program code), you can use a While loop.

Dim numEmployees, count As Integer


count = 1

While count <= numEmployees

'add the employee's pay to the total wages paid

totalWages = totalWages + empPay


'increase the count

count = count + 1

End While


The While loop has four important parts:

· the condition initialiser (in this example, count = 1)

· the Boolean expression or test for the loop (While count <= numEmployees)

· the increment (or decrement) of the condition (count = count + 1)

· the end of the loop (End While)

A starting condition is established by initialising the condition variable (in this example, the condition variable is count). The test to see whether the loop body should be executed or not, is contained in the Boolean expression of the While statement.

Career Opportunities

Successful completion of this course can enable a countless number of opportunities to work with many different information technology fields, in countless different industries.

Gain these skills and your future career prospects will not only expand to suit the current demand of the IT industry but will continue to expand as the Information technology industry does.

IT positions and demand is set to grow even further, creating more positions for people with these such skills. 


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